What is an eSIM?

An eSIM is a ‘digital SIM’ that can store multiple operator profiles (the combination of subscriber data and applications that provide secure connectivity to cellular networks) and be remotely managed in accordance with GSMA’s Remote SIM Provisioning Specifications.

Trusted Connectivity Alliance has been tracking the development of the eSIM market since its nascent phase. The latest market monitoring figures released by TCA reveal that 2024 was a landmark year of growth across the eSIM ecosystem.  

eSIM shipment volumes collectively reported by TCA members in 2024 surpassed half a billion units, increasing 35% year-on-year to reach 503 million. TCA also estimates that the total available market for eSIM was 514 million units. The growing availability of eSIM-enabled devices was matched by increasing consumer adoption, with consumer eSIM profile downloads* rising by 56%.

In addition to consumer uptake, TCA members also reported significant M2M eSIM adoption. Looking ahead, the release of GSMA’s eSIM IoT Specification (SGP.32) stands to accelerate the use of eSIM technology across IoT use-cases and TCA will chart the development of the SGP.32 ecosystem as deployments build.

What are the Benefits of eSIM Technology?

Globally reliable, flexible connectivity

Enabled by GSMA’s Remote SIM Provisioning specifications, eSIM technology brings additional flexibility to consumer, enterprise, IoT and M2M devices by removing the need to physically change out a SIM card when switching to a different mobile operator. This instantly solves the prohibitive costs and logistical challenges associated with deploying and managing devices globally, delivering the flexibility and scalability required to unlock emerging cellular use-cases spanning the connected ecosystem, anywhere in the world.

Advanced, dynamic security

An eSIM shares the cryptographic features of the SIM, including a securely designed central processing unit and dedicated secure memory to store operating system programmes, keys, and certificate data, protect devices from various hacking scenarios, such as cloning, physical attacks to a single device, and remote attacks. eSIM functionality also enables remote upgrades to sensitive data, apps and subscriptions according to GSMA and GlobalPlatform specifications so that a device can immediately respond to emerging threats and attacks once it is live in the field.

End-to-end digitalisation

eSIM technology enables full end-to-end digitalisation, which delivers various advantages. For operators, customer acquisition and onboarding is streamlined, and a direct channel is established to enable the delivery of new value-added services to enhance the overall user experience. Digitalisation also enables operators and device manufacturers to simplify supply chains and production flows, significantly reducing manufacturing, distribution and transportation costs.

Directly Influence the Evolution of eSIM Technology

By becoming an eSIM Member, your organisation can support the evolution of TCA’s recently launched eSIM Interoperability Service, alongside access to discounted fees and relevant test data. You can also participate in TCA’s eUICC and IoT Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) Working Groups.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the eUICC and eSIM?

A UICC is the platform, specified by ETSI, that can be used to run multiple security applications. These applications include the SIM for 2G networks, USIM for 3G, 4G and 5G networks, CSIM for CDMA, and ISIM (not to be confused with integrated SIM) for IP multimedia services.

An eUICC (which originates from the term embedded UICC) is a UICC which enables the remote and/or local management of profiles in a secure way that meets GSMA requirements for Remote SIM Provisioning and is certified in accordance with the GSMA compliance programme.

eSIM is the generic term applied to eUICCs that support Remote SIM Provisioning as defined by GSMA.

What is Remote SIM Provisioning?

Remote SIM Provisioning refers to the process of downloading, installing, enabling, disabling,and deleting a profile on an eSIM. Remote SIM Provisioning is enabled by specialised secure servers called eSIM Subscription Manager (SM) platforms.

Over recent years, the industry has invested heavily in establishing a global infrastructure of eSIM SM platforms. This infrastructure allows users to connect to more than one operator and offers the freedom to seamlessly switch mobile operators without changing the SIM card on the device.

Is an eSIM always embedded into devices?

eSIM originates from the term ‘embedded SIM’ and it can be soldered directly onto the device to realise various benefits. However, eSIM also includes removable form factors that can store multiple operator profiles. The eSIM can also be integrated within a secure enclave on a System-on-Chip (SoC) – known as an integrated eUICC or integrated SIM.